In my life, it was during our vacation that I was able to experience and enjoy the change of seasons.
When we arrived in America, we were able to love the coolness of the last weeks of Spring. Most of our journey went around Summer and now it's Fall. The seasons played a big part on this travel of ours. As we all know, in the Philippines, we're stuck with 2 types of weather system---wet and dry or rainy season and summer, plus a certain level of humidity on top of both. Which is why I promised myself that if I get to travel abroad, I'll make it memorable by experiencing at least parts of the so- called 4 Seasons.
Early in June 2016 was the date of our trip. For some practical reason that was when my husband got his approval to get some time off from work, we had to take it. But given the choice, we prefer November in time for Fall and to experience the transition to Winter, you know, that whole concept of a White Christmas.

Anyway, the June date turned out great! We were expecting it to be hot knowing that Summer in America comes around at this time. To our surprise, it was still Spring and it was pretty cool when we arrived. One of the things I learned from this trip is that seasons change with a snap of a finger.
Magic Kingdom, Disney World Orlando, Florida
The day after we arrived in Orlando, Florida it was announced in the news that it was officially Summer. So I thought maybe it's still a bit cool only lesser. But when we went out for our tour at Disney World, yup! it's Summer. All of a sudden it was hot, like "flat iron hot", it's dry, but definitely not as humid or sticky to what we have in the Philippines.
Come to think of it, we kinda extended summer from the Philippines (April- May) to America (July- mid September). This one is for the books--- 2 summers in 2016! Summer in America is different. I like it because it's dry. Using the Philippine summer as comparison, I'd rather have it hot and dry than hot, sticky and stinky hehehe! Anyway, any place we go nowadays to is air- conditioned.
The kids were treated for some swimming lessons at a nearby water park. Quite an experience, my kids learned more from this class. They performed well. Not only they became more knowledgeable, but they also showed interest on making swimming as a sport, especially my eldest son.
Swimming Lessons with Ms. India and Ms. Chanel
Aside from swimming lessons, the kids enjoyed frequent visits to the water park for fun. We also go to a trail park within the vicinity.
We take long afternoon walks, "we try" to stay healthy considering that
food in America is magic and to warm up because we're on the go all the
time and with kids in tow. We walk "at least" 3-4 km or 3-5 miles or at least meet 10,000 or
more steps everyday.
Our Summer tour went around with visits to Florida, North and South Carolina, New Jersey and New York! I must say, there's a good feel to go on tour at this time, because you don't get to wear and carry layers of clothing as you walk around, which is not bad, it's an experience as well. Its just that summer has its own perks and benefits.
Main Deck Empire State Building
Summer in America is as fun as our summer in the Philippines. The thing we loved about summer in July was a cleaner setting, it is not polluted and humid. You know it's hot but at least what you breath in is clean, fresh air.
Late in August, we decided to go to Washington D.C. and spend at least a week to discover the nation's Capital and a quick stop to Maryland.
NYC and D.C. are a must when in America.
Plan it, get a map, set funds, bring an adventurous travel companion and head to these places.
16th st. NW, Washington D.C. going to the White House

Since we're on a budget, instead of flying or renting a car, we rode the Amtrak. Our home- base near D.C. was
Annandale, Virginia.
When we got there it was still summer. It was blazing hot, but as we move along the week, it became cooler. Virginia is up North of GA, before we left we were advised that it might get cooler at this time in August. In the middle of supposedly a "hot summer", we enjoyed a cool one while in Virginia.
It was just right to ease out the skin from the heat of the summer sun, but also enough to enjoy and wrap yourself with a cardigan or lightweight jacket. Last stop of our northeastern trip was Bethesda, Maryland.
Bethesda, Maryland
When we left D.C. it was already September. Anytime, I was expecting for a change in temperature. My mom-in-law mentioned that Fall was near. I got excited, like everyday I check the weather. It was still hot until they announced that it was officially Fall in mid- September, and just like that, the temperature dropped.

I've always wanted to see the
beautiful colors of Fall.
It's everyone's wish to experience Fall. I never thought of it as a dream but I've always wanted it. This I have to say marks one of the most memorable on this travel of ours. Not only we get to feel Fall, but we are witnessing its transition day by day.
They say, it's best to climb the mountains and appreciate it even more thru its foliage and people do that in GA. Maybe one day, we can too.
Fall also marks the beginning of the Pumpkin Season and preparation
for Halloween events and Thanksgiving. We were able to
bring the kids to a traditional pumpkin patch with hay under our feet,
country music playin' and pumpkins of different sizes everywhere. (in a
different post)
I call it
3 Seasons of Happiness: Spring, Summer and Fall.
It pulled out our young hearts and got us to our jolly feet throughout this journey. This is the most important for me as a person and as a parent, the effect, the result that was gained from the hard work we pour everyday, was surely worth the wait and of course, worth every penny.
One lesson I also learned from this travel was not to rush into things. It took us years to make this travel happen, but boy, it was big and definitely an extraordinary one!
I am very thankful to have experienced parts of the 4 seasons, grateful to have created this memory with my children and my forever partner in everything--- my dear husband.
It was truly incredible and unforgettable!
Winter is just around the corner, in GA, I heard it gets icy cold and this will have its own story soon.😉