If there are men who are into things like cars, bicycles, gadgets like cameras, or an over-all collector, my husband on the other hand, is a guitar man. Even before we met, music has been part of my other half's life. We met through my brother who plays bass for my husband's band back then.
I want to share part of his life as a music lover because as he goes along his journey, there were stories or experiences that inspired/ inspires him not as just as person, but as a family man. When we were preparing for our wedding, I had a personal talk with him as to what we want for each other as we grow old together. From me, the only thing I asked was for him to continue his music. Our first years as a couple was a bit of a struggle. It's normal to make adjustments, especially financially. One of the first source of income we had was when he had private lessons on Jazz music. It paid our bills, milk and diapers for our baby, and groceries.
Two of his most loved guitars that helped us go through those moments are his Ibanez AS80 (which I call the"sexy guitar" because of it's curves) and the Ibanez AF120. These were gifts from his dad during his visit in America in 2001.
I've seen, heard and felt both guitars play. It was very soothing to the ears. Of course if the player is good, it's sounds like as if the sound is putting the person into deep relaxation. Another story behind these guitars was when my late father- in-law had a stroke. For a son, the feeling is devastating. When it happened, my husband who was my boyfriend then, was in a hospital in GA taking care of his dad. He gave me a call and shared to me what he has done. That he has given up everything to the Lord, that for every note he's going to play, it is offered to The ONE above.
It was one of the most touching things I've heard in my life and it was the most moving too. Even up to now, I hold on to that experience of my husband. It's one of the inspirations that motivates me. Surrender, wait for nothing in return it will make you a better person. It the following years, he would always play music for everyone, even my family. It's been years since he bought a guitar. I even asked him one time on when he plan to add another to his collection. He told me that, he not the person "who just buy guitars". For him, he'll know if it's the one, first thing he'll do is to try it.
A worthy guitar that can go in line with the others? Every time we would go out, one of my husband's stops are guitar shops. Any musicians reading this? I'm sure you know what I'm talking about. There's a famous shop here in the Philippines called Audiophile. It's a guitar shop that sell Ibanez guitars. In every mall we go to, Audiophile is a must to visit. As a matter of fact, as a frequent buyer and visitor my husband was able to make friends.

During our visit in Audiophile shop in Cubao, an acoustic guitar got my attention. From the looks of it, it sure is beautiful. The moment my husband went inside and asked for the guitar if he can try it, I knew that it's "the one" guitar he has been waiting for. And so my husband tried it and he was blown away by it's performance and added features. It's an acoustic- electric guitar. He seldom see things that he really wants, but once he finds something worthy of his money, consider it sold! But this time, he asked for my permission. It was being sold for almost Php17,000. So I said yeah, buy it. I'll be happy to see you happy. For me, it's the thought the he has been working so hard and everyone truly deserves a reward at the end of the day. Only, it took years for him to get that "worthy" reward for himself.

Let's face facts first. As much as I wanted to spend Php 17,000, as a housewife, I can't just let go of that kind of amount. For Christmas this year, he told me that when he asked permission to buy it and I said yes to the Ibanez Montage, it was already the biggest Christmas present for him. So there you go, a gift that was well- appreciated by the person I love the most.

While unboxing his Ibanez Montage, I told him, that he should display his beautiful guitars. It can be a source of inspiration to his everyday life, to me and even his children. Actually, he would put our kids to sleep just playing his guitar. Mikee our baby and Frankie our eldest son, would smile at him, the next thing you know, both are already fast asleep.
For display, we decided to hang it first like the ones in guitar shops. The Ibanez Montage is the one on the left with the tag. And right beside it is the famous vintage Ibanez 1973 "Lawsuit Guitar" which my husband bought from a friend who needed financial help at that time. Later on, the Ibanez AS80 and AS120 will join the display.
Every guitar has a story. I'm so grateful that I became part of his journey as a musician. I'm happy to have met such an artist. Music, it feeds ones soul with love and passion...