Right now, my world goes around these 2 amazing boys. Everyday, I see rainbows and sunshine radiating from my kids. Life keeps on getting better and better each day. Everyday, I thank the Lord for the Life He has given me, fortunate that I am experiencing the very essence of being a woman through my precious ones...
23 February 2012
Butterfly Fly Away
Last week, my son attended a Butterfly Exibit in their school. For the nice price of 100 bucks, the school was able to assemble a butterfly sanctuary. The kids were taught about the whole life cycle of a butterfly.
And as a giveaway, each were given their own Pupa to be nurtured at home. The pupa is very fragile. It shouldn't be touched, dropped, or exposed to extreme temperature and moisture. From the container (which was a plastic cup), we placed it on the top of our book shelf where it hanged freely suspended in air. It should also be 5" away from any surface.
It took about a week before the Pupa hatched. Last night, we were already observing it. My son Franky noticed that it was slowly opening up. And early this morning, a beautiful butterfly graced us with it's presence. After a few hours, we brought it out so it can adjust to a more natural environment.
Remember: This adult butterfly that emerged from the pupa can lay hundreds of eggs and can multiply hundred times.
It's wonderful being able to do something for nature, adding more beauty and balance.
16 February 2012
My Extraordinary Take On Life
Last Tuesday (Valentine's Day) I had one of the richest conversation with my husband. Our Valentine's Day went around with our answers to this meaningful question. Which inspired me to finally introduce the new title of my personal blog.
The question: Did you ever see yourself in your present state 10 years ago?
10 years ago, I was asked with 2 different questions: Where will you be 10 years from now?
You think you'll ever get married?
I only have one answer for all 3 questions.
Yes, I saw/ see myself married with the man of my dreams with kids and at the same time loving being a stay at home mom.
The people who placed me in this positive disposition are my parents. My mom is a full time housewife. The things I do at home right now, the way I take care of my family, learning the right approach on being the shock absorber of the family, everything that has something to do with nurturing the whole being of an individual... it's all from my mother. My father on the other hand taught me the very core on how to cope and survive in the real world.
With these inspirations, at an early age of 15, I told myself that I want a family exactly like ours and I've been praying that I am going to be able to find a partner who will give that extra color to this dream which served as my only purpose in life.
Since I created this account in 2007, I shifted 3 times from one blog title to another. "To Last A Lifetime", "Sweet Nothings" and now... the "Extraordinary Life of an Xtraordinarymom". These 3 titles stands for my journey as a mother and wife. The milestones I've made and experienced, the moments I discovered along the path of marriage, the wonderful effects of becoming a mom and my growth as a person deep within because of various inspirations I brought with me from my childhood. These 3 titles is made up of my 8 years being a mother to 2 gorgeous boys Franky and Mikee, a friend, a partner, and wife to my loving husband named Adolf.
Since I created this account in 2007, I shifted 3 times from one blog title to another. "To Last A Lifetime", "Sweet Nothings" and now... the "Extraordinary Life of an Xtraordinarymom". These 3 titles stands for my journey as a mother and wife. The milestones I've made and experienced, the moments I discovered along the path of marriage, the wonderful effects of becoming a mom and my growth as a person deep within because of various inspirations I brought with me from my childhood. These 3 titles is made up of my 8 years being a mother to 2 gorgeous boys Franky and Mikee, a friend, a partner, and wife to my loving husband named Adolf.
The Extraordinary Life of this Xtraordinary Woman
My life is composed of the ordinary things we all do everyday. It's just that... my approach goes beyond the usual. The attitude I shed towards situations and events may have made me different from the rest.
I just heard that multitasking is a terrible thing. With my point of view, I may have fallen victim of another generalized statement. Oh brother!
Let me enumerate a little of what makes this example extraordinary for me as a stay at home mom. I see multitasking as a fun activity. I get bored instantly if I don't get to do anything. Thank God I see it in a very positive way. Yes for some, it may be a big headcahe, but for me, it is a chance to be more productive. But it's best to know one's limitations.
Luxury of Time- I can do whatever I want anytime of the day. I never had a single problem with time. Maybe if there's a little, it's more on choosing the activities I want to do within a day.
Money Matters- When it comes to the financial aspect, I gave my husband the full authority to handle it. Usually it's the wife who gets to hold the budget or the husband gives the wife his salary. It's far different for me/ us. All I have in my hands is the personal allowance my husband gives me monthly and that's all. Less headache for me :) That way, we avoid having fights about money. Because it's such a shame having arguments when it comes to this matter.
Sense of Satisfaction- For some reason, I always end up being contented even with the simplest things. I never really ask for more than what I have.
Being a Gamer- I'm not talking about Wii games or Xbox. I am pertaining to online gaming. Accounts with World of Warcraft, Starcraft, Left 4 Dead, Company of Heroes and soon Diablo. My husband (who was my boyfriend then) introduced me to this field. It's flattering to be praised by other players from around the globe, thinking that I am a stay at home mom, and yet, here I am playing online with the rest of the boys. Some players asks me to convince their wives to play online too. Funny! This and having the luxury of time goes well together and that makes this mom extraordinary.
Loving the Old More Than The New- Who likes old stuff? Well, I Love Them! From material things to family traditions, as much as possible, I try to practice having it within the very comforts of my own home. I want my kids to learn and experience what I had when I was a kid. One of the material things we had was a 1969 Volkswagen Beetle. We never really had a brand new car. Even now, we shifted using another old car model, a 1994 Honda Civic. Old cars are made to last. To be particular, the car models we have are still being used and even restored for a higher value. As a tradition, praying the rosary is important and... whether there's a lot on the table or none, I make it a point to have a complete table set up everyday.
I Travel But I Don't Go Far- Travel has been part of everybody's journey in life. Aside from trips to nearby provinces, I've never been anywhere else. I have a valid Passport with a valid Visa, but it's just there waiting. Most people whom I've met the first time thinks that I've traveled. With the information I share, one will really can say that I am a traveler. But sad to say I'm not... When it comes to allotting time, I guess this is the one which I don't have the luxury of. Books, travel channels, cooking shows, magazines, net surfing and even watching movies helps me become knowledgeable of places, their specialties, currency, language, food, do's and don'ts and their famous spots. Aside from that, my very own father is a certified traveler.
The Artist in My Kitchen- Somehow, I've become an expert in my own way. Normally, before we serve a dish, being the one who prepared it, we taste the food first if we got right. As for me, after adding salt, pepper and other stuff to make it delicious, I don't taste it anymore, I just serve it. The magic--- whoever's going to eat it, for sure, they're going to end up loving it will even ask for the recipe. At the same, I'm able to make my food presentation pleasing to the eyes without exerting too much effort. I must admit, I don't have much kitchen paraphernalia around. But what's the use when the food looks good but the taste sucks right? And another thing, I don't use instant mixes to make my dishes taste good. As much as possible, I go natural.
I'm No Writer At All- I want to be known as an inspiration not an influencial factor in the blogosphere. I don't share my thoughts for the purpose of changing a reader's point of view, I don't insist that my posts are always right and most of all, I am not here to impress people. I share what's inside my mind as if I am talking to someone. Blogging has been my favorite outlet on pouring both my thoughts and feelings. Blogging is an amazing form of self-expression. Before, we write on small notebooks and we keep it to ourselves. Now, it's the other way around. As much as possible we want people to read our articles and the most important of all, to know their comments and even wait for suggestions. The lovely thing---it's open to anybody from around the world.
I Don't Fear CHANGE- It's getting out of one's comfort zone. For sure, things are bound to change once we move away from the things that keeps us comfy. But hey, change is healthy, that's how we learn and make discoveries. Change is growth. But one should take note that CHANGE should always be for the best without stepping on anyone else.
Friendship For Everyone- First of all, how do you gauge friendship? I mean do we even have to gauge it? I'm a "what you see is what you get" person, very easy to get along with. In my lifetime I had 3 group of friends. My childhood, highschool and college friends. For each group, I was able to gain somebody whom I can call a close friend. These people are the ones who stayed. They're the easiest to reach and they're the ones who never fails to remember. Friendship is a realtionship we develop with other people through things we have in common, the bonds we share and knowing individuals more through events in our lives. Did I ever experienced having a misunderstanding with anyone? Of course, I think that's nromal. But I'm glad that the misunderstandings I had are just minor issues.
As a friend to everyone...(including bloggers) I offer friendship to those who respects this blog, who respects me for who I am and those who aren't judgemental. Because once an envious, insecure, call it malicious, or even selfish mind works within the circle of trust between friends, definitely it will ruin the relationship. And I stay away from these kind of people. I don't want to burden myself with another's frustrations in life.
As a friend to everyone...(including bloggers) I offer friendship to those who respects this blog, who respects me for who I am and those who aren't judgemental. Because once an envious, insecure, call it malicious, or even selfish mind works within the circle of trust between friends, definitely it will ruin the relationship. And I stay away from these kind of people. I don't want to burden myself with another's frustrations in life.
There's a lot more I want to share... It's been a pretty good night writing this entry. The baby's awake that's why I need to end here. I do hope that you stay and read some more of what my life has got to offer. I might inspire people, I might change someone's point of view, a reconciliation might just happen, or my life's stories may just be a plain text for some. One thing is for sure, everything that I shared tonight...
-Is Not About Being Lucky, I'm Just Blessed-
15 February 2012
Flowers On My Pillow
Take this as a post Valentine's Day entry. I seldom make posts on how we celebrate V-day, for the simple reason that my husband and I don't really make plans for this affair. Of course, we still greet each other, but nothing special is done. But since we got married, I noticed that my other half exerts effort on making Valentine's Day more romantic for me. Yesterday, I celebrated Love Day with my 3 BOYS and I found 3 pink roses laying on my pillow early in the morning. Valentine's Day 2012 started my year adding an extraordinary touch. We all get something on such occasions, so what's new right? For me, it's the approach on how people make events and affairs special. I was very happy and thankful that I closed my eyes while thanking my husband for remembering us, our relationship on Valentine's Day. A simple rose could have made it special too. But I got 3 roses, and it was the element of surprise that made Valentine's romantic. I woke up early nothing was there, and when I went back in, there I found the loveliest surprise ever.
06 February 2012
Great Finds: Overdoor Shoe Organizer
I am not really a "shoe person", but I make it a point that I have the basics. From formal, to casual, and of course, something for summer and the wet season. When I thought I have less to manage, still, I find myself having some trouble when it comes to storing shoes. With that, even with a shoe cabinet around, I end up placing some pairs in shoe boxes under the bed. It has been a practice of mine ever since. Well, I make sure that the shoes in storage are clean and in order. I vacuum everyday to keep the dust off and I get rid of the old pairs that are not being used anymore. So what's the big deal right? Yesterday, I was out with my mom and sister shopping. My mom asked me where I store our shoes in the house and I answered under the bed. Then she shared learning from an expert, that shoes are not suppose to be kept under the bed. They say, it blocks the flow of Qi (Chi) which is also known as life energy. Actually, I just found out that it's not really advisable to store anything under the bed, not only shoes.
It just so happen that one of the purchases my sister made was this Store It Overdoor Shoe Organizer.
I thought of buying a shoe rack or a shoe organizer before. But I always had the idea that these things will add as an extra clutter in the house. But when I saw this hanging Overdoor Organizer, yeah it got me for 3 reasons: 1. it's perfect as a space saver 2. it's stylish and 3. your shoes are protected.
Look, I can store 2 pairs in a pouch. Just make sure that the shoes are dry and clean. In our house we have an extra room for storage, it serves as our walk-in closet, only it's a room. Everything's there, from bags to clothing and now our shoes. That's where this overdoor shoe organizer is hanging. Great on preserving quality leather and definitely will give your favorite pair a longer life. In a way, we get to learn on the proper care of shoes too.
Rooftop Picture Trippin'
This was taken yesterday from the rooftop parking of a nearby mall in my hometown. After buying the things we needed for cooking, as we head to the car, we noticed the beauty of the setting sun. We didn't have a single camera with us we tried so hard to capture the view using our ever so small Nokia phones. Our quick rendevous to the grocery turned out as a picture trippin' experience.
There were jeepneys and tricycles in the backround, it's kinda dirty too, but we didn't really care. All we thought about was to capture the sunset that later turned into a photo fiasco, looking for a perfect primary photo lol! @ Ella and Nano, it was fun! let's do it again!
05 February 2012
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This blog is a personal blog written and edited by me. For questions about this blog, please contact Enchie @ http://xtraordinarymom.blogspot.com/.
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03 February 2012
Ok, I know... I think we're pretty late getting involve with Nerf guns. It just so happen that my husband, who's a big boy wanted a different toy. And NERF guns are one of the best toys that is also fit for adults. We've been seeing NERFS in all toy stores, it's nothing new to us. My son wasn't interested and if my son doesn't give a damn, same goes for me and my husband, then we skip the aisle then.
With emphasis on THEN because... Just over the holidays, Toy Kingdom sold Nerf Guns as a buy 1 take 1 item, particularly the Maverick REV-6 (accessories not included). That's why we have 2 Mavericks in the photo below.
With emphasis on THEN because... Just over the holidays, Toy Kingdom sold Nerf Guns as a buy 1 take 1 item, particularly the Maverick REV-6 (accessories not included). That's why we have 2 Mavericks in the photo below.
Recon CS-6, Maverick REV-6, Barricade RV-10, Maverick REV-6
My husband decided to get the buy 1 take 1 item thinking that we should give it separately as presents. But when we got home, my son was able to take a glimpse of what's inside our shopping bag and showed interest on the Nerf Guns we bought. He wasn't pushy about it but the interest was there. As a surprise, we wrapped the Nerf Guns (both Mavericks) and gave it to our son as a bonus Christmas Gift. My husband and my son started with practice shooting. My husband felt that there was something missing, as if he wanted something bigger or let's say a better gun for himself. Since I haven't bought anything for him for Christmas, I wandered around Toy Kingdom in SM Megamall and bought him the Recon CS-6 (the long Nerf in the picture above). For his birthday last month, I bought him a Barricade RV-10, which is an electronic revolver.
NERF Ammo Box, Modified Barricade RV-10, Maverick REV-6
So that's how we got involve with so much NERFism. We started with the basics, then later on, added accessories and even bought more NERFS. Right now, we are in the process looking for Deploy CS-6, a Tech Target, Barrels, Shoulder Stock and even Tactical Vests. NERF accessories are short here in the Philippines. We go online just to be able to add on like extra Longshot Scopes and Tactical Lights. We want to gear up because we see it as a good father & son activity. And if moms (like me) are open to these things, well... it's perfect for the family, especially when you're out of town. A good set up is in a park or in any field with fresh air and nice view.
Alpha Trooper CS-18
Our latest buys were an Alpha Trooper CS-18 and an Ammo Box for our bullets.
Our latest buys were an Alpha Trooper CS-18 and an Ammo Box for our bullets.
Modifying a Recon CS-6
Modifications were made with some guns both to enhance performance and look.
With our recent toy store visit, 2012 NERF models are already available. Let me check my budget... Valentines Day is coming, might just grab another one ;)
"It's Nerf or Nothin'!"
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