27 January 2015

Home Project on Its 1st Phase

It's been a month since I announced the turn over of our new home. As of the moment, we've already accomplished the requirements needed to be submitted to the building manager for home improvement. Materials are ready, we have people working on our cabinets and even our dining table is custom- made. 

But at some point there had been a turn of events. My husband asked for my consent if he can be the one to take care of the design, color and fixtures. In other words, I'll have to trust him on everything. Also, I will not be able to see our unit until the whole build out is done. It's a surprise. I think he's making up for the spoiled surprise from last month's plans. I gave our engineer (who's also our friend) my word that I'm okay with whatever my husband wants. Knowing him, he is more particular with these kinds of things. We both have the same taste that's why I'm not bothered with the whole idea.

I did gave my concerns though, like an alarm system and that he needs to look for a trusted alarm Monitoring company. For our first home after we got married, we installed an alarm in the house we rented. Not that we we're waiting for somebody to trespass, it's to double security. My next concern is my kitchen. Any neutral background will do, as long as I get proper storage for my kitchenware and then I can play with the shades I want to use to highlight my favorite spot in our home. 

The room for our little boys is going to be Lego inspired. Since they have tons of Lego toys,  we plan to keep the present color of the walls and then accentuate thru color blocking from the bedding, the study table and other things to be brought in. As a matter of fact, they already have a 2015 Lego calendar for starters.

We basically got stuck with our old things for the past 10 years. We have been renting for the past 10 years as well.  Preparing for a new home can be pretty stressful but it's all worth it especially, because it's ours now. We can put anything we want. As the queen of our castle, the thing I love about this whole event is to shop for new furniture and appliances. Now, I can surely put every detail I have in plan to use.

26 January 2015

Summer Getaway List

I know, I know, the new year just started, but you see, here in the Philippines, the beach is considered as an all year round destination. As early as now, my husband and I are already planning for our summer outings. That includes the beach and schedules when we will invite guests for a pool party in our new place. But I'll let my husband handle the bookings/ reservations and I'll do the checklist of the essentials we need.

This year, I've added a few things in our Summer Getaway list. It's like re-filling our usual beach bag with the old and some new items.

A new pair of Havaianas Slims and Sanuks. They're the most comfortable ever especially for outdoor fun. Nothing major, but these footwears are just perfect for almost every summer activity.

New swimsuits for everybody!!! We're kinda stuck to our old swimwears for the past 2 years. It gets tighter or it loosens. Any of the 2 means that we need to buy something more comfortable to wear. It's a different story for me. Even for a stay at home mom, I still want to look good, beach ready.

We all have our own style and preferences. For me, I still plan to wear a tankini or a one piece swimsuit to hide my "mommy bulges". I'm just taking advantage of the fact that I'm still fit to wear at least a one piece swimsuit. Remember my shopping experience from Zalora? Since then, Zalora has been my go- to guide when it comes to the latest trends.

There are so many stylish swimsuits at ZALORA that I was completely spoiled for choice. I think I might get one from here.

I fell in love with this Cheska Corset Maillot. I'm so into anything nautical. This will fit my body well, it's not too eye- catching, looks comfortable and it's stylish, perfect for my personality.

Last on our list is a Go Pro which I think is a good choice than buying a waterproof digital camera. I mean, we already have an SLR. Plus, we have kids, we love going on family adventures, sudden outings and road trips,  and we're into taking pictures everywhere we go, so yeah, a Go Pro definitely. I will post about it later on, once we've used it and watch out for my chosen Partner for Summer 2015 (wink!).

How about you, have you planned anything for this coming summer? it's 2 months away... can't wait!

22 January 2015

3's A Celebration 2014

My Birthday Celebration
Like the past years I've celebrated, I planned my birthday for 2014 to be simple. I'm happy to be able to spend my special day with the people I love. My supposedly "special day" turned into almost a week of fun. From a weekend lunch at YABU and dinner treat from my mom. My birthday lunch at Tender Bobs with my boys, birthday dinner with our good friend Ricky at City Buffet and my birthday celebration at Yakimix, all my favorite places to eat.

Prior to all of these, I gifted myself with a brand new induction cooker and range hood. A coffee machine to add will make everything fantastic. As you noticed, whatever I got as gifts are all going to our brand new condo.

I wait each year for my birthday because I truly feel that it's the best time to get anything or at least treat myself to whatever will make me and my family happy. Well, the "waiting part" has always been the most rewarding. I thank the Lord for such wonderful blessings.

 Christmas 2014
 As we all know, my family is set to move - in our new home. In between celebrations, from my birthday, my youngest son's 3rd birthday and the Holidays, we have been poured with so much new things to cherish. Like spending Christmas in our new condo. Even without furniture, we chose to spend both Christmas and New Years at our humble abode.

In 2013, after typhoon Yolanda, we felt like there's not much reason to celebrate. It was a bit depressing, the whole vibe, the feel of the season at that time was very sad. But the Holidays for 2014 turned amazing. In a way, we made up for what was lost during our 2013 celebration. We were also graced with the presence of some relatives from America. It was our first time to spend the Holiday Season with some loved ones from GA. It feels good, it feels extraordinary and exciting to be able to celebrate Christmas with people we don't often see.

Welcoming 2015!
2014 was a wonderful year. There were more easy times than tough ones. The year just started and blessings are already pouring in. I can't wait for what's in store in the next coming months. Here's to another great year, let's make more miracles happen 2015!

21 January 2015

Starting The Year with A Prayer

The Serenity Prayer

God grant me the serenity
To accept the things I cannot change;
Courage to change the things I can;
And wisdom to know the difference.

Living one day at a time;
Enjoying one moment at a time;
Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
Taking, as He did, this sinful world
As it is, not as I would have it;
Trusting that He will make all things right
If I surrender to His Will;
So that I may be reasonably happy in this life
And supremely happy with Him
Forever and ever in the next.


The Positive Effects of ECQ

( E nhanced C ommunity Q uarantine) Hi folks! I know its taking forever for this pandemic to end. As far as I know, the world is on loc...