6 months after giving birth I suffered hair fall. Suffered because I think I had too much of it. My doctor told me that my body's hormones were adjusting. It's normal for me to shed some strands after pregnancy. I got scared because it went on for almost 3 months, and the last time I was pregnant was 8 years ago and I can't remember having it as bad, so this hair loss experience freaked me out. It's one of the things I dealt with why I wasn't feeling so inspired to post pictures.
One of the solutions I came up with was to have my hair cut short to lessen the weight. I knew I made the right decision of not getting a perm, imagine hair fall with treated hair... that's going to be a very big prblem.
When I met up with my college friends, one of them gave birth a month ahead of me, one of things she asked me was--- "France, did you ever experience hair fall?" My hairstylist shared similar stories that happened with some of her clients after their pregnancy too. Thank God it's just a temporary thing.
Now, my hair is growing back. Had it trimmed last month, the hairstylist told me that I have "virgin hair". Funny because I didn't know that such term exist. I had my hair rebonded 3 years ago, but that's it. I had the remaining rebonded hair removed last year when I was pregnant. I didn't have any form of hair treatment since then. So yeah, consider my hair virgin. Lol!